TGV! is a film screening set up exclusively for parents and carers and their babies. At TGV! parents and carers can enjoy a full-length feature film with their babies on their laps without worrying about disturbing others.

What makes it yummy? The valet buggy parking, the dimmed lights, the lower sound level and the nappy changing facilities for those who need it! What makes it even yummier? It’s the perfect place to relax and enjoy a morning brunch and indulge yourself in our fine herbal tea selection or coffee, together with sweet pastries or our delicious muffins. Tempting or what! Tickets RM12.00 per adult (babies comes free!) Showings are screened on the 2nd Wednesday of every month at 10.30am so the dates you need to keep free for EYE Scream are (movies are confirmed on the week previous to each of these dates.

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